BLOG: Is this all there is?



Is this all there is?

Today after work I did the following things:

Fed my pets
Ate some food
Watched TV
Surfed the Internet
Postponed Work

That's my life. I wish I were the kind of person that sat cross-legged next to birch trees and hummed Negro spirituals under my breath, but I'm not.

Here's the thing- I hate working.

Every weekday morning I drive to work just like almost every other American. I find myself looking forward to retirement, and I'm in my mid 20's. What's that?

There has to be more.

If I had any kind of initiative, I'd make a website where people could give me a dollar in the hopes that one day I wouldn't have to work. I only say this because if I knew of such a website, I would gladly fork over a dollar or two to help the cause. It would give me no small comfort to know that I helped a fellow worker quit and live happy as I scraped ice off my windshield.

We shouldn't have to live this way.

I say we all pool our resources and live on a patch of land in the Pacific Northwest. We can live in tents and eat berries.

Who's with me?


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