BLOG: Defense of the Blog



Defense of the Blog

I hold education close to my heart too- I didn't teach three years in public school for the money, my friend. But education is literally a "meeting of the minds", so to speak. I can only extend the discussion halfway. At some point they have to make the decision that they want to learn. If you can find a way to motivate everyone, then I submit that public education as we know it would be unnecessary. Everyone would learn either online or in the library.Example: There are several books on Dickinson in our school library. Does anyone check them out? No. What do they do instead? Go home, do drugs, listen to music, and watch sports and reality shows on TV.Psychologically the students in my first period class are beyond hope, notwithstanding intensive therapy. They simply have no internal motivation. None at all. I can make them read if I give them candy, but what happens when the candy goes away? More music and drugs. Fun stuff, really.Here's the depressing part- their parents did not do their job. I'm dealing with their mess. I can't clean it up- it's far too late for that.As I've said before, my other classes are completely different. For the most part they actually want to learn, which makes my task much more pleasant and enjoyable.


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