BLOG: Synopsis




Spruced up the ol' site a bit today. I think they're mostly good changes.

Today's events are a good encapsulation of what my life will be like for the next semester, so I'll repeat them once now, instead of ad nauseum for the next four months.

I woke up and headed to my 8:00 class. Business Associations I. Surprisingly, the teacher seems humanlike (as opposed to most professors) and started off the class by showing the movie/documentary "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room." Very entertaining. I just hope the rest of the class doesn't take this as license to act like morons the rest of the semester. There is still a streak of the high school student extant here; if the teacher would allow it, some of them would act like animals. Despite the fact that they're paying thousands of dollars to learn, they'd still push the limits as far as they could. It's sad, but true, that most people are only constrained as much as external, and not internal, forces dictate.

After that, I ran off to work for a few hours at the law office. I think I'm actually more productive when I work in short bursts- I know what I need to do, do it, and then leave. Tomorrow I'm not even going to work- I'm leaving between class to serve federal subpoenas.

After work, I went to my 2:30 class. It's two hours long yet appears interesting.

At one point in the class, the teacher paused for a bit in order to let us explore a website. After a while, she began talking again. Everyone instantly stopped talking except for one person who continued to talk. She didn't say anything but I was silently aghast. It's a very small class and the student was maybe ten feet away from her. Yet he/she was oblivious. At what point does your radar not pick up the fact that maybe you should stop talking? Sorry- it's just a pet peeve. I did used to teach, after all.

Then I come home and, hopefully, study a bit.

So that's it- class, work, class, and study.

I can feel your jealously from here.


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