BLOG: What I Hate About Atlanta



What I Hate About Atlanta

Now that I'm leaving this place, I think I'll get in some parting shots.

1. It's never truly dark.

This, above all, drives me nuts. Right now, it's two in the morning, and if I were to walk outside the trees would still stand out against the sky. Atlanta is so large that it creates a hazy glow for miles around that surrounds everything in a gloomy twilight. Stars? Forget about them- I don't think I've seen one since I've been here. There's a reason, I suppose, why there aren't any observatories in the area.

2. Traffic

Imagine. Having. To. Read. Every. Sentence. If. They. Were. Written. Like. This. And. Then. You. Have. Some. Idea. What. It. Is. Like. To. Drive. In. Or. Near. Atlanta.

That's about it, really. If you don't mind sitting in traffic in eternal gloom then it's the perfect city. I, on the other hand, will be heading to an empty highway lit by the stars.


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