BLOG: Thanks




I think I received more comments yesterday than ever before. Even better, they were from a mixture of familiar visitors and ones I'd never seen before. It's taken a while, but I'm really starting to get the distinct feeling that this place is becoming a community of sorts, which is nice.

Mr. Montgomery, thanks for finding out the title to the song. I owe you one. I must admit though, I feel infinitely less cool now that I realize you knew the title and I didn't- you've only been teaching ten years more than me. You must do a good job of keeping up with the current music scene.

Danielle- I'm so glad to find out that another teacher is visiting the site. This blog needs a sense of perspective if it's going to flourish. I'm just one person in a very specific situation, so any ideas you can contribute would be greatly appreciated. If you think I'm worth it, do me a favor and tell your other like-minded educator friends about the site. I can't tell any of my friends at school because then administration will catch wind of it and that's a headache I don't need right now. I'm planning on telling everybody the last day of school, however.

Kelly- thanks for helping to sharpen my focus regarding Peck's theory; you helped me see it from a different angle.

Thanks again, everybody.


Blogger dawnsia said...

I need my sweetblessedfreedom fix c'mon it's been two days!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will certainly pass this link along. You raised an interesting point. I share my blog url with only a select few colleagues, not because I'm elitist, but because I'm cautious. For some reason, we teachers are held to a certain standard, and to an extent, we should be. However, it seems that our private lives are kept under a microscope at times. Any slight misstep would be fodder for someone who might want to sabotage our career. So even though I know I have nothing to apologize for in my blog, and I rarely write anything negative about work in it, I'm careful about revealing it to anyone from work. I use the F-bomb, I talk about my underwear, I admit that I live with my boyfriend, I discuss sex and politics and culture. In a profession where a teacher is expected to have such an impact on young lives, we're simultaneously expected to keep our own lives out of it. What's interesting to me, too, is that very few of my colleagues show an interest in the internet the way I a resource for information and discussion. At any rate, I'm so glad I discovered your blog and I look forward to more conversations with you! (end rambling comment post)

4:05 PM  

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