BLOG: Rain And Other Assorted Observations



Rain And Other Assorted Observations

We've gotten a lot of rain lately... there's a little courtyard dotted with picnic tables behind our townhome that floods everytime more than a couple of inches decide to fall. The water is coffee brown and swirls from the creek that's too small to hold it. Even now, if I look out the back window, I can see the light of the moon reflecting off the surface of the water.

My wife and I watched Garden State tonight. It's kinda slow at first, but in the end it all makes sense. Kinda like life, I suppose. Regardless of whether or not you watch the movie, get the soundtrack- it's really good.

Time went really slow this weekend. I've always heard that time goes faster the older you get but lately it seems like everything's been slowing down. I feel like a Salvadori watch, melting away into everything and nothing at all.

I'm not sure what that last sentence means, but I believe it with every fiber of my being.


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