BLOG: Just when I thought I'd seen it all...



Just when I thought I'd seen it all...

My students generally bring food into the classroom. I used to try and fight it, but I quickly gave up. Since the school has roughly twenty Coke machines, multiple snack machines, and sells chicken biscuits in the morning to make money, I have a sinking suspicion that food in the classroom isn't really that big of a deal.

Normally it doesn't bother me. I don't care if someone wants to sip a beverage or eat a little as they learn- as long as they're learning.

Last week, however, one of my students in first period walked in with nothing less than a plate full of ravioli. Ravioli. The kind that comes out of a can. Now mind you, this is taking place at 8:40 in the morning, which is not when the thought of pasta in a heavy red sauce really appeals to me.

I started to say something to her, and then stopped.

Because I realized something. Her mom has to know she did this. She had a plate and a fork, for cryin' out loud! Chances are, her mom gave it to her on purpose. What parent sends their child to school with a can of ravioli to eat for breakfast? Secondly, how am I supposed to convince her that this in unacceptable when apparently her family thinks otherwise? If I was her, there's no way I'd accept some goofy white man's opinion over that of her mother. No way. So I kept my mouth shut and watched in amazement (and a little bit of horror) as she sat there, stuffing piece after piece into her mouth.

I need a long vacation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Clarion Ledger's career section there was ad for a Kaplan teaching/tutoring program in the Jackson area.I know you mentioned doing something like this in the past. If you are interested, you can find the ad at

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a real trip. Why exactly is it unacceptable to eat ravioli? why exactly is this a testament to the integrity of her parents? So chicken biscuits are okay, condoned by the school, and sold by the school, but raviolis are not ... b/c they turn *your* stomach in the morning?

Not to mention that any teenager worth her salt can get a dish and a fork to school without her mother knowing. jesus.

I'm so glad you're leaving teaching. You're judgmental, unkind, and no kid needs to be around your kind of energy.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous #2 believe it or not, school is not Macdonald's and you should not be allowed to eat in the classroom when you feel like during it. also alot of us are tired of having leaders with no backbone. we might let students do anything right now short of hurting themselves or each other while praying to God to show us some mercy and patience until the last day.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deadgummit you pissed Chef Boyardee off! Must send his kids to school with a can opener too! And for the record taking the Lord's name in vain on your page-man talk about negative energy!

8:38 PM  
Blogger dawnsia said...

Been trying to call you-we might come down this weekend-call me!

8:40 PM  
Blogger Yorick said...

To the reader who hates me for some indiscernible reason:

I think you missed my point- I was hoping the reader would utilize Swiftian logic and carry the argument to its extreme. In other words, what else might this student bring for breakfast? A whole honey baked ham? Sushi? Three corndogs and a pretzel? The question is, where does one draw the line? For me, it's somewhere before ravioli.

Secondly, I've left out certain tidbits of information that might shed light on the situation. This is the same student that walked in with a cold pork chop in a sandwich bag and proceeded to eat it with her hands like it was a sandwich. Also, she's informed me on several occasions that her mom refuses to give her phone number to the office because they "keep buggin' her with stuff."

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I’m not the reader that’s hates you. But your post did make me want ravioli, which I had last night for dinner. I shared it with Maggie. I would probably eat ravioli for breakfast, but probably only at my house.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...


does it get any better than this?

8:15 AM  

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