BLOG: I hope I never learn how to cook.



I hope I never learn how to cook.

Tonight my wife and I headed out to the back deck in an effort to grill some salmon and enjoy the waning daylight. We hauled the kitchen table out the back door and threw on a red and white gingham table cloth. We listened to music and sat and talked and danced and acted silly.

Our grill of choice was a five-dollar table top special that could only hold five baked potatos at a time. The fire was so measly that eventually we had to move them into the oven proper to soften them up. Potatos are, in my opinion, the most stubborn thing to cook- next to beans. As the fish cooked, we sipped on diet Cokes (my wife) and beer (me) and tried to hold time in its tracks. Since I am not the world's greatest chef, it took way too long to fully cook the salmon. As a result, we were rewarded with ample time to spend the night together.

Sunday evenings for me are generally marked with a vague regret, since I feel that I could have used my time in a more fulfilling way. But tonight was different. Tonight I will not be going to bed wishing I had done something meaningful; instead I will be wishing that the meaningful event could have lasted longer. I feel like a kid who has to say his goodbyes to his friends at summer camp. My only solace is knowing that there will be other nights in which to linger and stave off the setting of the summer sun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

call me stupid, but why did you underline those three words?

7:46 PM  
Blogger Yorick said...

That threw me for a loop at first, too. I think Google's Adsense program does it automatically- when certain words are placed together it automatically triggers a hyperlink, which entices the reader to click it and hopefully spend money on a certain product.

7:55 PM  

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