BLOG: Site (and Personal) Update



Site (and Personal) Update

Page impressions are way down for some reason- either my posts are growing boring or people disagree with some of my statements. Or both. They're so low, in fact, that they're comparable to January 31- the day I started this little online experiment.

Which is fine- it's taken me a while, but I've come to the point where I realize that for me, blogging is a form of therapy. It allows me to sort out my ideas and clear the mental palate. Just knowing that someone could read my writing produces enough of a catharsis for me.

Don't get me wrong- I'm always glad to hear from people who visit often, but I don't think that's the overall impetus anymore. Even if no one visited, I'd still continue to post, because it's personally helpful and psychologically healthy. As my wife commented earlier, it's become my "routine".

In school news, today I read The Sword and the Stone to my students and none of them cared. I remember sitting on the edge of my seat and rereading it again and again as the young King Arthur pulled the sword out, thus (unwittingly) proving he was the rightful heir to the throne. I was entranced and enchanted by the old legend. My kids could have cared less.

Something in or around my students has managed to destroy almost every shred of humanity they have- part of me hopes I never find out what it is, for fear that it will do the same thing to me.


Blogger dawnsia said...

I still check several times a day to see if you have updated. And a certain V-sue thought you must had fallen off the face of the Earth when you did not post on Saturday. Big fans of your work...

Or perhaps your other sister might compare you writing in your blog to "swing therapy" much as Dad's swing and a good book have always been therapy to him.

8:08 PM  

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