BLOG: Queen of my Trailer



Queen of my Trailer

Well, my goal of writing at least one entry a day didn’t happen. Oh, well. Life marches on, I suppose.

Saturday flew by, thanks to work and volunteering with the Humane Society. Then, after dealing with the drama of my neighbor’s marital fiasco (read: divorce) the night had melted away.

I spent this afternoon researching possible homes to buy once I move back to Mississippi. Right now, I'm leaning toward buying a new Fleetwood trailer for around 18k and buying about an acre of land to put it on. The house note would be around $200 a month, which would help during law school.

But first we have to sell the townhome. I priced laminate flooring and carpet today at Lowes and discovered that laminate on sale is actually the cheapest option. Now I just have to figure out how to install it. Once I buy it (in about two months) I'm hoping the process will only take about a week. We have to replace the old carpet because we have pets, and- well, use your imagination.

I'm hoping that it won't take long to sell the townhome. I've heard horror stories of houses taking years to sell. To be honest, I just want to break even on the deal. I would rent it out, but I really want to sever all ties with Georgia. It would just be too much of a hassle. I don't want to be studying for an exam that determines my entire grade and get a phone call about a broken sink.


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