BLOG: Holy Strife



Holy Strife

Yesterdayish I noticed my hits to the blog were spiking unexplainably. Generally Sundays are doldrum days, yet I was over 45 hits by 3:00 in the afternnoon. Which is unbelievably high for such a tiny effort. Most of my viewers are either people I personally know or like-minded souls who stumbled across my site by accident.

After a little bit of research, I found the answer- a blog named Divine Angst had linked to me in an article.

I was, and still am, dumbfounded. Someone read something I wrote and felt the desire to mention it to others? Cannot compute. Must lie down and return to reruns of MacGyver.

Yesterday, MacGyver saved a woman and child, beat up two bad guys, had them arrested, and still managed to save a golden eagle and three golden eagle eggs. For the last stunt, he flew in a hang glider. It was breathtaking.

One last note, because I'm too tired to make another post.

Darts is not a sport. Sorry. It's a game. Anything that's traditionally done while drinking beer is not a sport.

I only say this because ESPN2 was hosting the "World Series of Darts" yesterday. One of the guys (I kid you not) walked down to the dart board to the song "Eye of the Tiger." Even more amazingly, his giant beer gut swayed in time with the music.

Then him and his competitor had a warm-up round. You know, because sometimes throwing a dart can strain a muscle. Can't cramp up during the big game. I almost expected them to start drinking Gatorade about halfway through.

I finally turned it when I realized that one of the competitors had a bad back, and the announcers were amazed that he was able to "play through the pain." Part of me died then and there. I'm no back doctor, but maybe the pain has to do with the fact that he's fifty pounds overweight, and not the fact that he has to stand for ten minutes? But that's just me.

Likewise, poker is a game. Anything that a former Hollywood talent agent or Tennessee accountant can win the world series of is a game. There are professionals who have more talent at said game, but in the end, it comes down to statistics and dumb luck.

If me and the best poker player in the world played 100 hands of poker, I could win so many just by being there. However, I doubt I would fare so well against Michael Jordan one-on-one.

Sorry- long post. Thanks for the link, MacGyver rocks, and sports should make one sweat, or at least lose some weight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you meant "Michael Jordan" !


2:00 PM  
Blogger Yorick said...

Yeah, I fixed that. That was more than a little disturbing.

2:37 PM  

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