BLOG: Anniversary




Today is the date I celebrate four wonderful years of marriage to my beloved wife.

For some reason or another, we've always had bad scheduling luck on our anniversary- something always came up that forced us to postpone the celebration. This year is no different, as the combination of the move and her GRE test make for little time.

Even our honeymoon was cut short, due to the fact that we had to begin pre-planning as teachers.

However, this Sunday we hope to go to the Neshoba County Fair, as that's the place I took her on one of our first "official" dates, roughly seven years ago.

Here's hoping our lives can cease just enough to let us live, if only for a moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are sorry we forgot your annivesary. congratulations to your wife and to you "mooky". tell your better half, she is going to ace that test.

9:07 PM  

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