BLOG: Summer Heat



Summer Heat

I felt the first tinge of a Mississippi summer today. The sun was out, the birds were singing, and I actually started to sweat a little bit after walking around outside.

I missed it.

The air is much cleaner here than it is in Georgia, and time goes by much slower.

My parents found a trailer they liked out in the country yesterday, and if all goes well, I'm going to rent it from them while I'm at law school. I'll move out and they'll move in after Dad retires, which should happen in about three years. That way I have a place to stay and they'll have someone paying the mortgage.

It looks like things are slowly starting to fall into place.

I hope to begin posting more regularly, now that all of the events surrounding grandpa's death are beginning to wane.

Right now my wife is pilfering her mom's cupboard for things to take back home- right now she's scored some Wheat Thins, Oatmeal Creme Pies, and some Easy Mac.

Right now, life is good.


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