BLOG: Back in One Piece



Back in One Piece

Well, we made it.

Got in late Friday night and went to sleep. On Saturday I headed north to Metropolis, Illinois, which apparently some guy has turned into the de facto Superman capital of the world. I think they even had the original movie phone booth from the Christopher Reeves era, but I couldn't swear to it.

I bought a T-shirt and a baseball cap. For being such a tourist trap, the prices weren't all bad.

Sunday was spent hanging out and visiting Franklin, Tennessee. Apparently Franklin was one of the first cities to be developed around a central courthouse layout.

On Monday, my wife and I took our time driving back home via the Trace, a 440-odd mile stretch that connects Nashville to Natchez. Along the way, we made a coffee detour to Columbia, Tennessee, which happens to be the birthplace of James K. Polk.

I'll fill in the gaps later, but I just wanted to assure my ever-shrinking audience that I haven't given up on the blog.


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