BLOG: Line in the Sand



Line in the Sand

"Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too." Voltaire

I'm quite upset over the fact that radical Muslims are burning embassies and killing people over political cartoons.

Upset that he couldn't find an artist for a picture of Mohammed, a Danish newspaperman asked several cartoonists to send in a picture of Mohammed. He printed 12 of them in the newspaper. Some are offensive (the one with Mohammed wearing a bomb on his head is probably the most incendiary) and others are quite tame. This website has the cartoons posted if you'd like to take a peek at them and see what all the fuss is about. Lord knows our media won't show them, even though it's their job to report the news. Meanwhile, several European newspapers have joined their Danish counterpart and published the cartoons as a sign of solidarity in the fight for free speech.

Let me make this clear- I think the cartoons are in extremely bad taste. However, as our French philosopher friend says, they still have a right to say it. I cannot give purchase to a religion that holds it necessary to kill people who had nothing to do with the cartoons because someone did something offensive to their belief system.

I think there's something deeper and darker at work here. I think that many Muslims are tired and frustrated at watching the world's players sweep them aside time and time again. Thus, they clutch at anything to fuel their anger and resentment. Their religious leaders know this and fan the flames.

In short, I think these Muslims are using a time-honored religion as a vehicle to gain something very earthly indeed- power.

We cannot kow-tow now. I wish every newspaper in America would print these cartoons. Either we fight the battle now, or we fight the battle later.


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