BLOG: Hair on the Barb-Wire?



Hair on the Barb-Wire?

Today I went walking through the woods (big surprise, I know) when I came to an old barb-wire fence that runs the length of our yard. I noticed several clumps of what appeared to be long, blonde hair sticking in the barbs. Maybe seven or eight inches long.

After several good tugs, I managed to free a few clumps. I carried them back to the house and showed my wife. Together, we tried to figure out if they were some sort of plant product or actual hair. I set a few of them on fire and they didn't really catch- just smoldered and gave off that burnt hair smell.

Before you ask, sometimes I take the cat hairs that gather on my couch and burn them with a lighter- it's quicker and easier than getting up to throw them away, and much more entertaining.

There are no plants nearby that resemble the "hairs", and the clumps were so entrenched in the barbs I can't imagine them getting there without some sort of animal passing by and catching them there. In other words, wind blowing them into the barbs doesn't seem feasible.

One of the clumps was on the highest line of barb-wire, which is maybe four feet high. Others were lower. There are no horses in that pasture, only the occasional cow. But thanks to my dogs, they never come that close to the fence, and I'm pretty sure none of them have blond hair, much less hair that's seven to eight inches long.

So I'm stumped- what is it?

BTW- my wife doesn't have blonde hair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A. Possibly deer. They have a lot of fur on their fuzzy butts.

B. Remember your journal entry of several days ago about the mysterious bones that your dog drug up...?


7:57 PM  

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