I may or may not post more regularly, but I at least thought I'd try to avoid misrepresenting my meager ambitions.1. Appellate advocacy (the graded part, at least) is over. Turned in three identical copies of my brief on Monday. I still have to do oral arguments, but they're pass/fail, so I'm not terribly concerned.
In case I haven't mentioned it, appellate advocacy is the devil. It's a class where you apply real law to a fake situation and pretend to care. As in the care's not real- it's fake. Got it? Good- explain it to me.
2. Still riding my bike 3-4 days a week. One of the more enjoyable parts of my day.
3. Went to the Mississippi State Fair Monday night. My Asperger's was manageable, as it's easy to get lost in large crowds.
4. I've got an Evidence mid-term coming up, a Business Associations project due soon, and a paper scheduled in Electronic Research Seminar. Fun times, indeed.
5. Apparently North Korea detonated a bomb (or didn't, sources are in conflict). At any rate, it was 22 times smaller than the one dropped on Hiroshima. Looks to me like Kim Jong Il is rattling his saber, trying to get some attention. He's like a puppy, really.
6. That's about all I've got. I think my well is exhausted- don't look for any earth-shattering truths anytime soon. Of course, with an average of 20 hits a week without posting anything, it might be good for business if I stay away.