BLOG: Bubbly




I have an idea that I think would make Coca-Cola millions if successfully carried out.

I'm posting it here because I don't know how to contact anyone there and let them know.

Coke's formula is one of the best kept secrets in the world. As a result, all of the other colas taste sweet, and have little or no of the Coca-Cola "bite". Trust me when I say I've tried a lot of other colas, and only a few come close. (I actually like Sams Choice Cola; it's pretty close to Coke's formula.)

As much as I like Coke, there I times when I would rather have a Pepsi. I think most people are this way- they switch out the drinks they buy every so often, just to have a change of pace.

The idea is this- Coke should remove the secret ingredients from their drink and market a brand of Coke known as Coke Smooth. This drink would basically recreate the Pepsi flavor, and seriously undercut the competition. And since Pepsi evidently can't recreate the classic Coke flavor (I'm sure they've tried) the competition would be decidely one-sided.

It's a simple idea, but one that I think would work.

Another, perhaps less feasible idea would be to market a Coke Bite, one that ranged on the other end of the spectrum. Both of these creations would serve to supplement the Coke line while seriously putting a dent in the other side's market.

If you know a Coke exec, tell him about the idea.


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