BLOG: Ridiculous




I can't believe that Ford is advertising on my website.

I'm a nobody who posts about almost nothing and one of the largest corporations in the country is advertising on my blog. They make millions and billions of dollars; I have trouble finding gas money every once in a while.

To honor the event, I'll share the only story I know about Henry Ford:

Henry Ford, being a fastidious man concerned with saving every penny, liked to use interesting interviewing techniques. Before hiring a major worker, he would sit them down to a big meal. After they ordered, if the potential employee put salt on his food before trying it, he didn't get the job.

Why? Because if one didn't know the food needed salt, there's a chance the salt was being wasted. And Ford couldn't stand to waste things.

(Don't take this to mean that Ford was a horrible boss; on the contrary, he paid his workers more than the national average, figuring that doing so would increase productivity. He was willing to spend money in return for something- he just hated throwing the stuff away.)


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