BLOG: Squirrel Babies



Squirrel Babies

Two days ago I was sitting in my plastic Adirondack chair and enjoying the shade. As I turned to go inside, one of my dogs expressed interest in something laying on the ground. The object started to squeak. I ran over, fearing that my dog would quickly kill whatever she had found. It was a baby squirrel- roughly four weeks old, I think. Its eyes were still closed.

Looking around, I quickly found another. My best guess is that they fell out during the storm. It's a miracle they lived, considering how cool the nights have been lately.

I quickly warmed them up and ran them down to the Coliseum in Jackson, where several wildlife rehabilitators were on hand due to the hurricane. They stuck them with IV drips (literally) and the little guys perked right up. They'll raise them until they're ready to be released back into the wild.


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